Zvezda 1/72 scale WW2 WARGAME BARBAROSSA 1941

Product Code: ZVE6134

Availability: Out of stock

21 German and Soviet Units 
1 set of fortifications 
6 double-sided game boards 
30 double-sided terrain boxes 
6 elevation hexes 
21 unit cards 
4 group cards 
4 minefield cards 
10 dice 
2 water-based markers 
1 set of decals 
Game rules 
Scenario booklet

Includes models in scales 1/144, 1/100 and 1/72

Junkers Ju87 
Opel Blitz 
German Infantry 
Soviet Infantry 
Soviet AA Gun 
Panzer II 
German Sturmpioniere 
Soviet AT Gun 
Panzer III 
German 80mm Mortar 
Soviet and German HQ 
Soviet 82mm Mortar 
Soviet MG Crew 
Pill Box

Zvezda 1/72 scale WW2 WARGAME BARBAROSSA 1941