1/35 scale Metal Fence B - big set with gate

Product Code: MAT35087

Availability: Out of stock

Contains 3 highly detailed photo-etch frets with 4 fence parts and 1 two-part gate.

Set content (each one is also available separately)

  • 2 x 35059 Metal Fence Set B
  • 1 x 35060 Metal Fence Set B - Gate

click for more info on individual products

Contains only photo-etch parts. Wall section and support columns not included.


How to use and paint

  • Leave the fence in the fret while painting and weathering. 
  • First airbrush a few layers of (acrylic) primer. Let it dry for at least 24 hours between each coat. After that you can continue with your regular (acrylic or enamel) colors and weathering products. Seal with a few coats of varnish. Let the varnish dry for at least 24 hours so it is hard enough to protect your paint-work during the next steps.
  • Always be very gentle in the following steps when handling the fence to prevent the paint from scratching.
  • Place the fret on a hard (for example wood or glass) surface, and cut out the fence from the fret with a fresh knife. 
  • Use a micro file to clean up any residue of the fret. If cut well however, you will not need to use a file on straight edges.
  • Some parts will now need some extra painting to restore the damaging caused when cutting from the fret or when handling afterwards. Use a round brush with very fine tip with your main color to touch up the parts where you can still see the PE brass color shining through.

1/35 scale Metal Fence B - big set with gate